Study Habits Checklist

Write an A, S, or N on each row for Always, Sometimes, or Never.

Use of Time A S N
Do you turn in all of your assignments on time?
Do you have a set time to study each day?
Do you divide your study time among the various subjects to be studied?
Physical Setting A S N
Do you have a place to study at home?
Is your study desk or table neat and free of distracting objects?
Do you study in a quiet place, free from noisy disturbances?
Do you study mostly by yourself?
When you sit down to study, do you have the materials you need?
When you sit down to study, do you get settled quickly?
Reading A S N
Do you scan a chapter before reading it, looking for cues such as heading, subheadings, pictures, captions, and bolded words?
As you read an assignment, do you have in mind questions which you are actually trying to answer?
Can you find the main ideas in what you read?
Do you try to get the meaning of new words?
Are you able to read without saying each word to yourself?
Note Taking A S N
As you read, do you take notes?
Do you review class notes after class?
Remembering A S N
Do you try to become interested in the subject you are studying?
Do you try to set purposes and goals for yourself in your studies?
Do you try to understand thoroughly all material that you should remember?
When studying material to be remembered, do you try to summarize it to yourself?
Do you spread the completion of a lengthy assignment over several study sessions?
Do you try to relate what you are learning in one subject to what you are learning in other subjects?
Study Helps A S N
In addition to reading a textbook and handouts, do you read other material for the class?
When you have questions, do you ask your teacher for help?
When you have questions, do you ask a friend or parent for help?
Do you discuss the content of your studies with others outside of class?
Quizzes and Tests A S N
Do you make special preparations for tests?
When studying for a test, do you spend more than one study session preparing for the test?
Do you combine important notes from your textbook and from class and create a new outline when studying for a test?
When preparing for a test, do you review the important facts and concepts?
When preparing for a test, do you try to predict the questions?
On the night before a major test, do you get plenty of sleep?
On the morning of a major test, do you eat a healthy breakfast?
In general, do you feel prepared for tests?

 Do the following:

  1. Don’t mark the ones you marked “A”. You are already doing great in these areas!
  2. Put a check mark next to the questions that you have marked “S”. These skills need some improvement.
  3. Highlight the questions that you have marked “N”. These are the areas in which a lot of improvement is needed.
  4. Write a short plan explaining how you may improve in your weak areas. Pay special attention to these areas while studying for a test.

My Study Habit Improvement Plan








Study Habits Checklist download