
Evernote1 is a tool for taking notes. No. Scratch that. Evernote is a tool to remember all the things that you have to remember, or want to remember, but the firehose of the information superhighway is just too much to store in your poor, delicate, wetware brain.

I’ve had an Evernote account for many years, but only got into really using it a few years ago. Since then it’s where I store things that I want to remember about science, teaching, my school district, recipes (yes, really), my son (camp information, class schedule, artwork), and so much more. The things I love about it:

  1. Software for my Mac laptop (work), my Windows laptop (personal), my Android phone and tablet, and iOS (which I used to use).
  2. All content (almost) gets synced to all devices.
  3. Great web clipper.

So, any note can be viewed from any of the 4 devices I have it installed on. This is great. Well, almost any note. There are some student information that’s in Evernote that I don’t sync to their servers for privacy reasons.

The web clipper means that if I see an article that I want to save, I can clip it. It can look like the web page, or a simplified article without distracting stuff on the side.

Everything is organized in notebooks. I have over 50 notebooks, and over 2,000 notes. A lot of the notes are cool things that I might want to look at in a year or two, so I can save it. The web clipper means that if I see an article that I want to save, I can clip it. It can look like the web page, or a simplified article without distracting stuff on the side. The web clipper makes it like bookmarks on steroids.

Evernote has made it easier for me to store and remember more things than I ever could, and makes my computer devices more useful. I recommend giving it a try. It runs on a freemium model, so it’s free to try.


1 I don’t have any relationship with Evernote except as a satisfied customer