
Here are some ambient sound sites:

  1. Noisli
  2. Soundroun
  3. Unique noise generators
  4. A soft murmur
  5. Space dreams
  6. Listen and create
  7. Tabletop audio
  8. Dune soundtrack
  9. Melodice – music for gaming
  10. Weightless – relaxation

Here are some background sound loops from YouTube:

  1. Concentration Music
  2. Babylon 5 sound
  3. Star Trek: TNG engine sound
  4. Star Trek: DS9 ambient sound
  5. Star Wars Death Star sound
  6. Star Wars Millennium Falcon engines
  7. Star Wars Star Destroyer sound
  8. Firefly engine sound
  9. 2001 Discovery One sound
  10. Doctor Who TARDIS sound

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